Thursday 10 December 2015

washingtone odywuor: WHATS YOUR MOTIVE?

washingtone odywuor: WHAT'S YOUR MOTIVE?: find your purpose and live your dream,you can not leave your greatness without knowing your true purpose now what is your motive,you have t...


find your purpose and live your dream,you can not leave your greatness without knowing your true purpose now what is your motive,you have to get dipper and find out exactly what is it that you want do do.that thing that you will never quit doing,that which interests is time for you to make a difference in your life and that will begin by making the right decisions of your life to decide what you are going to be.there is a redemptive power that making a decision so why don't you go ahead and take an inventory of yourself and find out what is your true purpose in life.once you are fully, decided on whats your motive you have to go out there and find it, to work day and night for it, to give up all your time ,peace and sleep for it, to come out of your comfort for it, to separate yourself from the losers and just go after that motive with all your courage,faith hope and confidence,get married to commitment get attached to perseverance and stay positive and with extreme determination with the help of god you will make.again i tell you do not let BUT to stop you from your dreams, BUT is a dream killer it will in-steal fear in you and paralyze all your effort stay focused build on your self esteem do not let fear to immobilize you, be ready to move forward no mater how tough the journey will be, you are going to make it.easy is not an option if it were easy everybody would make.its never gonna be easy, all you have to be is get ready to endure the pain because  there is no gain without pain .it doe not mater how hard you going to hit but how ready and willing  you are to take the blows,, hits challenges,difficulties and obstacles of life  and keep moving forward.for they are not coming to stay, they will come to pas and leave a very strong person behind.begin to fortify yourself and trust in your instinct that you are going to to make it trust in your inner heart that you are better that the norm.its never gonna be over until you make it. you can leave your dream, for i believe that their is something special about you,there is greatness within you. just take control of your destiny.

                                                             .......Washingtone Odywuor