Sunday 20 November 2016



Majority of us are not making it in life because we are obsessed with upgrading in things that do not materialize to our goals. We upgrade more on technological material and forget who we really are; we value more of instant gratification than anything else in our lives. We focus in doing more of upgrades on every new smart technology that comes out, every clothe that comes out, every design that comes out, every new program that come out. We have actually invested so much in material possession that we no longer know who we are. We are consuming every update and upgrade into the society which has only end up consuming us. If we want to take our life to the next level, we have to think of upgrading our lives positive by allowing only quality upgrades. We need to upgrade on better friends, families, coworkers and people who will help us grow and become better persons, people who want the best of us, people who want us to do more than we can imagine.

 It is high time for us to start investing on better, important quality and positive friends who will effect change on us who will help us upgrade to greater heights .We need to raise our standards and think of upgrading in our education for we cannot grow without learning and the only way to learn is through reading books that add value to our life, books of motivation, inspiration and empowerment books that will help us upgrade to the next level. It is time for us to re-plan our life to re-strategize and come up with new ways of doing things for if we want everything in the world to change we have to change who we are in our internal world and our mentality. The only way we can do that is by changing our internal world for we only become a reflection of our internal representation and what we get in our external world is always a full representation of our internal representation and finally we do not get what we want in life but get who we really are internally. The only way to improve on that is by updating and upgrading ourselves through constant and never ending learning. Learning is a process that should never die in us. For us to upgrade in quality, significant and effective values, belief’s and be in a position to make better choices in life we must never stop learning and upgrading ourselves with the latest information for there is a rapid growth in the society and things keep changing every single day, learning is a process and we all should fall in love with the process.

Let us not forget to put more emphasis on the quality of friends we hang out with, for “If you hang out with dogs you get fleas” We are all blossoming flowers that needs protection, water and plenty of sunlight negative friends’ family and core workers are dark clouds, defend yourself or suffer the slow assimilation to mediocrity and the only way to do that is to upgrade on friends and people that add value to our life.
Positive people will always nature our growth, smooth our failures and invest in our dreams. Good people are conduits to our dreams, they are the motivational fuel and also play a major role in extending our opportunely reach.
People who surround us are like roads they can either bring you opportunity or distress in our life. The quality of these roads solely depends on the quality of the person surrounding us. Always remember that bad relationship are like roadblocks, they drain energy and dim our dreams, it’s like rowing a boat upstream, unwilling passengers add wait distract and sometimes are expensive to remove. Divorcing them is treasonous and expensive, both emotionally and financially. Travelling down the road less traveled is more and already difficult and you will not require people who are going to pull you back just as was said by M.J.Demarco

When does a man die? He dies when he stops upgrading himself positively to greater heights, when we stop investing in ourselves. When we stop learning and when we stop learning, we can’t grow and when we can’t grow, we can’t develop and when we can’t develop there is nothing left for us in this world. So the effort is in upgrading in the most appropriate things in life books are the things to upgrade on, for I truly believe that “I rather buy a book than buy a house because the book will guarantee me buying several homes.” It is a commitment we have to make, we have no choice but to upgrade on things that will have a positive impact into our lives, it’s our responsibility, it’s our mandate, it’s our prerogative obligation and it’s our duty to do everything within our power to upgrade in the most significant things in life and not possession of worldly material things.
Upgrading on toxic relationship will only drain uor energy and detract from us goals to be is high time to realize that People in our life are like comrade in a battle platoon; they can help us, save us or destroy us completely

So what are you waiting for, make the right moves and upgrade on the most significant things in your life that will enhance your growth and lead you to a fulfilled life full of riches and wealth. 

please don't just read and leave it at that apply it to your life and get positive result,the outcome will amaze you if you put all this in to practice and feel free to share the message help a friend to help a friend.

                       motivation by washingtone odywuor.