Thursday 28 December 2017



Samuel Mwangi is timber yard owner whose yard is stationed next to my house and every day when I go out for my daily activities, I have to pass by his store. For the last one month I have observed something that caught up with my attention and I was keen to know more about it. Every single day each morning, when Samuel opens his yard he begins the day by sharpening his saw and he has being doing it with lots of focus, vitality determination and concentration.

 One morning I decided to stand and watch him do his daily routine and I was amaze, for he was so passionate about it. I really wondered and asked myself “does he really have to do that every  single day?” to me it seemed so tiring and boring doing the same thing over and over yet he could just sharpen it once in a week save him the frustration of  sweating every morning before he could begin his work of cutting timber.

On this particular day I decided to ask him what was behind all that sharpening. “Good morning Samuel,” cheerfully I greeted him. “Good morning to you Washingtone, how are you this morning?” Joyfully he responded back. “I’m doing better than good, I thank God for it.” I answered back at him. “And so am I” he affirmed with a happy smile. Then I posed a question to him. “Samuel I see you doing this serious sharpening every single morning, what’s the key reason behind it? And must you be doing it every day morning?”  “This saw, while pointing at it, does 85% of the work in this yard. It’s main function being cutting, it has to be sharp for me to perform my work efficiently and effectively.

When its blunt, I will end up wasting lots of time, struggling and straining to cut timber, I will also use lots of energy and force during my work and that will reduce my performance rate, hence will attend to less customer and that means less pay for me, so to save me all this I prefer setting the saw ready every morning so as to ease myself from the hard labor.” He completed his statement firmly. “Well I guess I understand you now,” cutting me short he retaliated, “also bear in mind that this is just how our minds work. It works best and delivers best when you keep sharpening it. Failure to which, you will end up not realizing your life desire and purpose.”
“Wow!”  I exclaimed.  “I didn’t see that coming, I take it as my life lesson for the day I will dig more into it.” Samuel then left me with a simple statement as I left in bewilderment. “As you cultivate your mind to work for you it’s the same way I do with my saw to work for me.” Thank you very much for the lesson.” I shouted back.  “It only works when you work it.” He concluded.

Come to think of it all that we are in the present moment are a function of our mind, all that we have achieved in life emanates from our mind. The actions we take are based on the decisions we make and the results we get in life projects back to decision making. Decisions and choices are made from our thoughts which only take place in our mind. Our brain is a battled field of activities most of them are on choices. If we only learn how to cultivate it well, it will best work to our interest. It is all about sharpening the mind and this is an ongoing process. Constant and never ending self-development comes from nourishing the mind with positive rich motivating and inspiring materials.

Reading positive uplifting materials, that challenge, inspire and motivate you to take actions in life.  These Materials add to our references to which we make decision on. I have been reflecting on the words of Albert Einstein. “The thinking that got you to where you are right now will not take you to your dreams.” In trying to understand the deeper meaning, I have found out that for effectiveness in life we have to know what to do, how to do and the why we are doing it.

We cannot act on something that you know nothing about. For instance if you are in the business or entrepreneur world and you find yourself stuck where the business is not growing or advancing or not moving to the next level. The problem is not the business; the problem is with you as the owner, for you have not taken enough measures to learn more on how to improve your business. The business can never grow beyond what you know. That’s why I keep telling my friends that “we can never see the world beyond that which we are.”

All that we are right now and all that we have achieved in life is basically a true reflection of what our mind holds. To affect change in our life we have to begin by getting to know more about us. You have to be aware of who you are and what you want and why you want it. To realize our potential, our capabilities, our skills and abilities we have to keep on working on us. To take our business to the next level we have to feed our mind with new materials every single day so as to improve and grow. The various ways of achieving this are; you could decide to get into a library and get all business oriented books and read and then try to implement what you have learned. The other way could be going back to school and learn more on business management and administration or find business oriented forums and take part in them. It is as simple as that. Learn more and make more.

If you are struggling due to luck of financial stability, you can only improve by learning more. By learning I mean feeding your mind with knowledge from financial intelligence materials. Please note that am not writing this out of the blues, but through the experience I have gone through and I’m still struggling to keep up to it. I have become who I am right now through the process of learning more. I’m not saying it’s an easy park that you just walk into, you have to decide and act and keep your commitments to self-development. Commitment being not accepting any excuse but result. It come s with effort, determination and persistence not forgetting constancy. Constant and never ending self-improvement.

2018 is here and nothing will change if you keep on doing things the same way you have been doing. You have to change your ways. You must start the process of improving yourself. You must change the circle of you friends. If you friends don’t help you grow then you have to say bye to them. Remember if you hung out with dogs you get fleas. Our life depends on our decisions and decisions emanate from our mind. So to make better decision which project to actions, we have to keep up the work of sharpening the saw. No one in this world is born stupid or poor we only make poor choices that slowly and systematically assemble us into that state of poorness or stupidity. This is a situation we can change by sharpening the saw. So what are you waiting for? The choice is yours to make. If you want 2018 to work for you, then you have to decide and act on self-development.

The only way to make a significant impact in life is to act on what you have learned here. Practice it until it becomes part of you and also share it to you friends, family and friends. If you have any concern please feel free to drop me a comment or if there is something you wish me to address also write back to me I will be glad to share with you. Thank you for taking time to read. May God bless your endeavors, let them come to fulfillment.  
HAPPY 2018