Tuesday 6 February 2018


                               IT'S TIME

We have just completed the first month of 2018. It’s time to reflect back and see what you have accomplished in the first month that has already disappeared, it’s gone and for sure it will never come back. If you did accomplish what you had planned and set to do well and good, but if you didn’t this is the time to reflect and re-strategize. If you spend most of your time complaining how life has been difficult and how broke you were that you could not do anything, how you didn’t have the resources, complaining and coming up with all sorts of excuses it is the time to rethink. Complaining blaming and coming up with excuses will always materialize to nothing, but more pain. It’s not the resources that you lucked, but you lucked being resourceful.

If you want to change the results of this new month called February you have to change the way you have been doing things. I love the words of albert Einstein that say “the thinking that got you to where you are will not take you to your dreams” I believe in this great words it breathes life in me for I keep on improving who I am not just because I want to but because it’s the most important and necessary thing to do. If we are to change the result of our life we have to change our mentality. We must push our limits to do the hard things that we are not comfortable with. If you do not find happiness in waking up every morning you have to find out first who you are and what you stand for. You can only tap into it by going deep inside yourself and ask the why you have to wake up and what you really want to be remembered for. We see the world not as it is but as who we are.so all the answers lies within you.

For us to be extraordinary, we must do the extraordinary things. If we see sit it in our mind we can achieve it, but first we have to train ourselves to do the things that are difficult. Less Brown says that if you do what is easy our life becomes difficult and if we do what’s difficult our life becomes easy. We must do the things that will make us significant. The decision is yours to make. My reason for sharing this with you is that, I have realized that our minds are organized in a way that stops us from doing what is difficult or what brings pain to us. Our minds are wired in such a way that it only works best when we are doing things that brings pleasure to us. This is a function of the mind that we need to be conscious about for it is the guiding principle of decision making.

Most often those pleasure things we do like watching TV, playing video games, instant gratifications materials, take away our power to manifest greatness. We need a shift and start working on the thing that matter most in life which are planning, reading positive uplifting materials to sharpen and broaden our scope of decision making, listening to motivational videos to inspire us in execution and finally is implanting on what you have planned.
A time has come to let go of all the negative things that has happened in the month of January and focus in restructuring your 2018. You are now left with 11 months and it’s time for you to reorganize yourself and get back on track. We can still make a difference with the remaining 11 moths. There is time for you to work on your 2018 goals. All you need to do is make the right decision, commit yourself to it by executing it, develop the habit of discipline in doing it whether you like or not and finally keep track of your time for “time slips though our hands like grains of sand, never to return back again and those who use their time wisely are rewarded with rich satisfying and fulfilling life.” Robin Sharma
The time you have been waiting for is here! You need to act before life starts acting on you again. It’s time to make a difference not only into your life, but to all those that you have the privilege to attend to. There will never be any other perfect time this is the time to make things happen to you. It’s your life that you are talking about and nobody is going to help you, but yourself.
Please don’t just read and keep it to yourself. Share to your other friends so that you also help them make a difference to their lives. Do not forget that a hand that helps is more blessed than the receiving one. Don’t let your blessing go to another person help a friend, a brother, a sister or even a relative and not forgetting your colleges in school and at work.
By sharing you will be transforming someone’s life.
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