Thursday 9 January 2020


Be uncomfortable with being comfortable
If we believe something can be done, our minds will always find ways of doing so. If we don’t go after that thing we really want, then we will never have it. If we do not ask the question, the answer will always be no and if we do not step forward, if we do not keep pushing forward, then am sorry we will always remain in the same position or place. What does this mean to us?

It means, we have to come out of our comfort zone and do what is important and necessary for us to get the result that we want in life. It means, we must get uncomfortable with being comfortable at all times and accept no excuse but results. It means we must have self-control of who we are and in what we do. It means we must be responsible and accountable to our actions. It means we must be willing to suppress our short term pleasure and gratifications for the long term gains. It means we must make right deliberate decisive decisions, commit to our decisions, constantly acting massively and keep the discipline of always doing what is right. It means we must face our fears and constantly have the courage, faith, hope and confidence in overcoming the challenges, difficulties and obstacles that come along the way.
We must be ready and willing to do what is difficult and painful for us to get the desired result. Bearing in mind that if you do what is easy, life becomes difficult, but if you do what’s hard life becomes easy. It’s upon you to decide on which side you want to be. No pain no gain it’s as simple as that. Most of the time we are afraid of doing what is unbearable, what is challenging, what is difficult, not knowing that these are the things that get us the result we want. We often go or opt for easy and pleasurable things in life. Always remember easy come easy go.

For instance we associate fitness to pain and we end up not keeping fit. The end results are even more painful than what we expected. Let’s say you find pleasure in eating junk foods that taste yummy and sweet and we find ourselves in that position where we can’t say no to these unhealthy behaviors, just because we feel good about them. Every decision we make has its own consequence. Then you get attracted to (NCD) None Communicable Diseases like, obesity, diabetics, high blood pressure. You will end up spending so much money in treating it, more that you would have used to eat healthy and keeping fit. The end result here is so much painful than the pain of exercising and eating healthy.

We find it difficult to pick a book and read to improve ourselves and we find it easy to chat or watch Tv the whole day. I bet by now you understand what I’m talking about. The back lies on the decision you make. So make the choice! but before you do make that choice I want you to understand this. Master it if you must; there is a significant difference between interest and commitment. When we are interested into something we only do it when we feel convenient, but when we are committed into something we accept no reasons, we accept no excuses but result.

Are you feeling me? Get out of your comfort zone and make that tough decision that you have been holding back and commit to it by taking the right necessary action that will get you the results you want. Always believe in yourself and keep constant discipline of always doing what is right and important. Have the courage to face your challenges and obstacle because they will always come along the way and have faith hope and confidence that you will make it to your dream it’s never over until you win it.
It was great pleasing pleasure to share this message with you. Please share with friends and relatives or workmates.