Monday 30 April 2018


Are you too busy to have some time to laugh?
Do you take time off to have some fun?

In most cases we find ourselves too busy to even get some time to relax and have some fun in the name of working hard to attain our goals. Well today I want to share with you confidently that too much work without a rest or brake is harmful to your health and more so to your brain. I don’t mean you should not work hard or you should not get serious with what you do, but what keeps us healthy is important and should be treated with lots of seriousness.

All that happens around us and within us is controlled by a small magnificent organ that lies beneath the skull. This is our brain. It’s the most vital, crucial and most important part because of the function it plays in our body. This is the computer in us; it’s the engine in us. It’s clear what can happen to our car engines, when it’s overworked without cooling it, or what could happen to them if they had no coolers. The answer to that is it wears off. Even those who developed computers understood this and fit in them fans that act as coolers to prevent them from burning out. What of our brain that severs us? Do we need to cool it off and how do we do that? You need not to worry because in the next paragraph you will get all the answers you need.

The brain can work for us or against us depending on how we treat it. When it is overworked with busy serious schedules, it becomes toxic that means it cannot serve us well. Our bodies are amazingly and extremely resistant and can be pushed to extreme ends, but at some point our brain and body “will say no enough is enough.” The answer is as simple as these always have fun in all that you do. Laugh and detoxify it.

I know you are wondering but that’s the fact. In fact having fun will detoxify your brain and improve on the quality of thoughts which guides our decision making process and our health. The best antidote you can ever find for stress reliving is having fun. My point is that we cannot afford to be too serious with work or whatever it is that we do, because it is the only thing that can bring us down. I have been researching on how best we can make our brain work for us and according to my findings; it has shocked me that having fun plays a major role in nourishing it. It’s as simple as laughing out loudly.

In the Holy Scriptures, the book of proverbs 17:22 says that “a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” In simple words laughter is known to be the best medicine. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf the author of the gift in you; she affirms that laughter releases an instant flood of feel good chemicals that boost the immune system. A good laugh can make cortisol drop by 39% adrenaline by 79% and the feel good hormone endorphin increase by 29%. It can even make growth hormones skyrocket by 87%. Other research has proven that laughter boost our immune system by increasing levels of immunity and disease fighting cells.

If you want to get the both sides of your brain working together, then humor is your answer for it’s the key to releasing potential. Did you know that laughing 100 to 200 times in a day is equal to 10 times of rowing or jogging? In my research I discovered that laughing alone helps to increase the flexibility and is so much effective when it’s done regularly just the way we go for aerobics. Laughing also dissolves the toxic emotions in us because you can’t feel sad of mad when you laugh.

If you wish to reduce the damaging stress chemicals, all you need to do is have fun. If this stress chemicals are left to stay within us for too long they make us mentally and physically sick. Heart attacks can be prevented by laughing since when you are happy and enjoy yourself the body releases chemicals that improve the function of blood vessels and increase blood flow that protects heart attacks. You will also notice that when you are happy your energy levels increases so it’s advisable to always keep yourself in good moods.

Having said all that, it’s evident that we need fun to cool our system so that it works for us and not against us. It’s the easiest and cheapest means but most effective in detoxifying our mind and eliminates all the negative emotions that trigger in stress, anxiety and depression. Your guess is as good as mine we cannot afford not to have fun in the name of being serious or too busy with our work. Come on take some time off go out and play with your friends, relative siblings or even your family. Take time to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. This is something we need to do not once but all the time.
 Please share this massage to your friends and help others become well by improving their health. If you have any question to ask or clarification, please do not hesitate to write back to me at the comment box down. You can as well share and subscribe to get notification on new posts from me.
Thank you for taking time to read

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