Wednesday 13 July 2016


You are failing in life just because of our self-doubt which is fueled by fear. Well today am going to share with you why you should never fear in your life. There is nothing to fear off, take courage and face your fears there is an African proverb that says ‘’if the is no enemy within the enemy outside can never do you any harm” that means if you can take control of this spell called doubt, which is possible you will be taking control of your life. Zigziglar once said that fear is false evidence appearing real. Fear is just but an illusion of negative imagination that we create in our world of imagination and mostly we let it control our emotions. This is just but an illusion that can be replaced by taking care of what goes into our mind. Fear is the most disintegrating factor of all human diseases. If you let your fears control your emotions it will age you, it will paralyze you, it will torment you, it will walk you to resentment, anxiety, frustration and depression so make a point of not allowing fear to control you by becoming a soldier of your are a soldier and you can take control of your negative emotions of fear, worry and self-doubt today.
 Take your time to launch an attack on your self-doubt and crash down your fears. It is time for you to load your gun with faith hope and confidences, carry with you grenades that will explode with enthusiasm and optimism. Ensure that your rapid propelled grenade (RPG) is of vital energy and full of creativity. Put on your jungle combat of self-determination, wear boots of commitment and do not forget your gloves of consistency and let your jungle hut be made of persistence. Your bullet proof jacket constitutes of resiliency and endurance, lastly pack your bag with prayers this will be your reservoir source of faith hope and courage. With all this in place you can go to war and face your enemy. Use your binoculars   to reveal the hiding place of your fears and negativity. With all your strength, attack them with positivity for with God everything is possible.
 It is time for you to maximize on your potential, capitalize on your strengths and greatness, visualize more on your purpose, and prioritize on your goals which in turn will help you actualize your dreams. It is time to take massive actions for you to attain your goals, to take control of your mind, fill it with positivity for the results we get in life is a product of our thinking. All the products of our life is a creation of our own imagination therefore take time to cultivate you mind and nourish it every single day, for I believe that your mind has the magnetic power to attract all that your heart desires. Always remember your outer world will always be a reflection of the state of your inner world.  That means that if you learn how to control your thoughts and the way you respond to the events of your life, it is only then that you shall have begun to control your destiny. Therefore I tell you that it is your rightful obligation to make the right conscious deliberate determined decisive decisions and choices of your life, why? Because you have the power to control what goes around and what happens to you. Always remember all that we are able to create or manifest comes from our mind. We create our own fears and therefore it’s upon us to cut it off from our minds. Learn to act in spite of self-doubt, act in spite of fear, act in spite of worry, act in spite of negative conditions, act in spite of inconveniences’ and finally learn to act even when you are not in the mood. That will help you combat this monster called fear.
                                                  WASHINGTONE ODYWUOR

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