Wednesday 27 July 2016



“Questions are the laser of human consciousness; they concentrate our focus and determine what we feel and what we do.”
Anthony Robbinson

If  you really want to effect quantum significant change in your life it is high time that you start asking yourself  the right questions .when you are pushed against the wall and you find yourself in this tight tough situations of difficulties, challenges and obstacles and you really want to change it and you do not know how to, well its very simple all you need to do is to start conditioning your mind in asking empowering questions and  that its superlative that you distance yourself from dis-empowering questions. I will give you an example of this questions if you are struggling financially and you want to walk yourself from this challenge, do not ask why this happening to me? That is a negative question instead why don’t you ask questions like, what am I learning from this? Or what do I need to do to get myself out of this situation? It is evident enough that from my questions they are positive and empowering hence will trigger your mind to come up with the right solutions that will help you get to the result you desire.
Asking empowering questions will change your physiological state of how you feel and instantly it changes the decisions that you are to make for you will make the right decisions that will change the direction of your focus and finally affect the actions that you are going to take. This is a tool that I have been using to change exactly how I feel and l’m happy to share it with you, so that you could also make a difference, not only into your life but also to the people surrounding you. You can change how you feeling right now, you can change the direction of your life right now, you can change  what you are focusing on right now and you can change the results of your life right now, simply by asking the right quality empowering questions.
Finally I will leave you with three profound questions that really changed the direction of my life and I want you to make use of them by finding the right answers to them. Please go through the questions with consistency and commitment for the next thirty days and this is going to make a tremendous impact into the decisions that you are going to make and the actions you will take. You will have made a significant impact into your life.
1.      What am I going to do to improve the quality of my life in the following four dimensions; Physical, Mental, social, financial?
2.      What impact is my answer going to have on me?
3.      What actions do I need to take consistently and with commitment for me to get the result I want?
                                    “He that cannot ask cannot live.”
An old proverb

 It is your obligation to make this work for you and nobody will come to push you into it for I truly believe that it’s your personal responsibility that you make the right decisions that will shape your destiny. What are you waiting for ask the right questions, not only questions but quality questions for quality answers and problem solving questions. Make the right decisions and take massive actions with commitment and determination find out what works for you and keep doing it consistently until you realize your goals. Do not limit yourself from greatness. You can maximize your potential by capitalizing on quality empowering questions. If you believe it you will achieve it.

                         Washingtone’s motivation

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