Friday 19 August 2016


“Work on your mind and the mind shall work for you”
Washingtone Oduor
There can never be any greater resource that lies within us like the two spheres lying comfortably under the scull. This is the most powerful weapon that can submerge us to our hurt desires. This is the master key to our success and will only land you there when you learn how to control all that goes in and all that comes out. If you wish to change your life you better do it immediately and flamboyantly and that change begins with the change of our mentality, about everything that happens to us is a decision that you have to make according to the resent studies a have done it is evidently clear that we become what we think of ourselves, all am trying to say is that the result we get in our external world is a reflection of our inner world. That means we are all guided by our thoughts which is a representation of our internal communication. We can only alter   our external representation by changing the state of our internal communication. I have grown to believe that every human being is designed for accomplishment and we are engineered for our success or we are endowed with the seed of greatness which makes us vulnerable and capable of great achievement. These seed of greatness is our mind and can only be exploited through its cultivation. An average man’s mind runs a total of 60,000 thoughts in a day that includes thousands of decision we make in a day. This has brought has brought me to the realization that decisions actually  determines the actions we take and the direction we take together with the destination which shall be the end result and by so decision shape our destiny.
I view our mind as the battle field where, the major conflicts happen, explosion of hard choices and tough decision take place in our mind, therefore it would be important for us to take the initiative to learn to control our thoughts. Believe you me when I tell you that the life you are living today at this moment is a result of our making, it’s a product of our thinking for we only become the visible of the invisible world. Get it right from me that your life is nothing more than a creation of your own imagination. Wiston Churchil once said “we become what we think of ourselves.” I want you to take a few minutes and examine the kind of life that you have had to live is it not your own making. I bet it is and that affirms who we are and what we do profoundly emanates from our thoughts. This call for us to learn to make the right diligent decisive decision that will shape who we are and we can only do that by taking charge of our mind. When I was in high school I used to walk to school .every morning I had to cover six kilometer for me to get to school. on my way I passed along a farm that was ever green and it really cough my eyes to some extend I would stand and stare at the beautiful farm, I kept on asking myself what does the owner do to maintain the fresh vegetables and the green grass for the cows and this was evident even during the dry seasons. This gave me an appetite of wanting to become a farm one day in my life and it also pushed me to make a decision on school to go for agriculture studies as a subject of my choice than the preferred business studies. Well one morning .as I was walking to school. I was lucky enough to get lift from a tractor from that farm that went round every morning selling milk to the families and some small scale retailers driving the tractor was an old man with a checked coat and was carried behind the carrier and with me were some students from the neighboring school and a middle aged young man dressed in a kaki trouser, white dust coat and white gumboots, he was the man doing the sells. Curiosity got the better side of me and I began to shoot question from all angles. Innocently I asked. How do you manage to produce so much milk that merely feeds the majority in my village? The man look at me for a few minutes amazed at my question while I was still contemplating where that was the right thing to do or I should have never ask the question. Slowly I began to shay away but fortunately after a few moments of silence the man replayed back smiling “young man this is just the effort and fruits of our labor. That made me confused and I exclaimed back “I don’t understand!” He looked at me held my shoulder as if he was pissed off and broke his voice. “All that you see are fruits of commitment, consistency, persistence determination and hard work. Look at those men pointing at the farm where we were now passing by. Those men are the reason for our massive production of milk and they work for my father. They are paid so well so they work tirelessly day and night to ensure that the dairy cows are well fed and that the fields are always green with nippier grass for the animals.” As If I was not satisfied I retaliated in the middle of his conversation, “actually my main concern was how do you manage to keep your farm green all through the year? Within a twinkle of an eye he threw back another question to me “If I gave you land and you were to make good use of it what would you do?” Well this was getting interesting since now I  stood a chance to prove to  him that I was  taking in some lessons on agriculture. Before I could answer we stopped at a shop where he dropped some milk cans before we proceeded. This gave me some time to think of the best answer that would not disappoint him. I took a few minutes then I asked him “can I now give you my answer? Yes! He replied. if you gave me land to make use of it I would ensure that it is properly maintained, well cultivated, try to keep of the weeds so that they do not compete for nutrients with my crops. I would also ensure that it’s well protected and I would do that by fencing nicely and put a gate to it.” As if he was not satisfied by my answer he questioned “and what else would you do to ensure the yields are productively amazing?” “ooooh that,” I murmured then continued, “definitely I would use manure to fertilize the crops and  ensure that I have enough water for irrigation and to some extent I would use mulching to prevent rapid evaporation and by that  my produce will not be affected.” Suddenly he bust out loudly and that left me mesmerized, as I stood glued on the spot wondering what was funny with my answer and finally his wards from his mouth were friendly to my ears and the wards were, “young man I can see you agriculture teacher has done the work so well. That is just what we do consistently with commitment and with great determination let’s just say that we work very hard for the land and the land works for us.”  I was a little disturbed by the answer and since I had come to my destination I had no other option than to alight looking at him smiling and he waved at me and shouted as they drove away   apply that in your life. That day I went to class with lots of question in mind how do I use that in my life? Little did I now that that statement would make sense to me some years to come in my life and that’s what I would wish to share with you. Take for instance the brain to be your farming land and you want it to produce the desired results what would you do. Well the answer is simple do the same thing that a farmer would do to increase his yields, only that this time round the mind is the point of focus. If we are to live a creative rich satisfying, enriching, fulfilling and full vital power life. We have to put into consideration working to nourish our mind by feeding it with the right materials that will help us get the result we desire. Some of these things that we need to look into are just to mention them for I will speak more about each of the in the next posting.
Stay positive always and have the right attitude
Read positive motivating and inspiring materials everyday
Listen or watch motivational tapes/videos
Choose your friends wisely they determine who you become
Pray every day and create some affirmation and declaration
Have some quiet time and meditate or visualize your future
By doing this everyday with commitment it starts to change the way you see things and when you are able to change your mentality you will be able to make the right decisions that will determine the actions you will take, the direction you will head to and the place you shall end up that’s the end result you shall get that this brings me back that DECISION SHAPES DESTINY. For us to be able to make the right decisions we must work tirelessly every single day with enthusiasm to feed our minds with positive empowering inspiring articles that will help us shape who we are what we do and what we become.
                 Please don’t just read this share with a friend to make a difference
Washingtone’s Motivation

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