Wednesday 10 August 2016


“We are all here for some special reason stop being a prisoner of your past
And become the architect of your future.”
Robin Sharma

My past life experience has been very devastating, frustrating and so depressing for I was a prisoner of my own making. I was a victim of negativity and now I had lost all the hope, I had lost my sight and there was no light and the end of my tunnel, I had no mission and no vision. I was a prisoner for letting people poke a finger at me and tell me I was not good enough to amount to anything, that I could never archive anything. My life was controlled by people’s opinion. I let them make me believe that it was impossible for me to be successful. I did not program my life and so they programmed my life.
 I was a prisoner of excuses for I come up with all the excuses in the world, I was a prisoner of blaming for I blamed everything and everybody for my failures, i was a prisoner of lamentation for I cried about anything and this actually stopped me from becoming a better person this imprisonment limited me from taking the actions. Actually my life was so one day  my dear friends I got tired of all this and I decided that I could never leave my entire life being a prisoner so I began asking myself questions and these are the questions I asked.
What do I need to do to turn my life around?
What are my abilities and possibilities?
What do I want to focus on in my life?
What makes me happy when I work on it?
What areas do I need to change?
How can I take control of my life?
What are my strengths?
What do I really want for myself?
The more I asked this question the more I become stronger for I now begun focusing in the solutions and not the problems that I was facing in life. I embraced these questions with positivity that I now was turbo charged towards life. This was actually the time I realized that I had lucked everything in life just because I had constantly and consistently thought myself in terms of luck therefore my dear friend I had conditioned myself in terms of luck. Having realized this, I took the initiative of taking responsibility of my action. It actually made me think of taking control of my thoughts for my thoughts lead me to decision making which then led me to actions and the actions I took gave some result. ladies and gentlemen if we really want to take control of our life we must take control of our consistent thoughts and actions.
Everybody in this world can barely achieve anything for we have within us some special power that can jumpstart us to FULFIMENT only if we can tap into our greatness ant that calls for you and me to get started where we are with whatever that is at our disposal. We all can bounce back from adversity and our major setbacks. We all can be victors in all that we do. We all are capable of dreaming big for it is possible if we believe in ourselves and have faith hope and confidence. Am not trying to say that life is going to be easy it’s going to hard but always remember the harder the battle the sweeter the victory. Life is going to push us against the wall but let’s not quit. It’s never going to be over until you get what you desire.
We can take control of our life by learning to make the right decisions and taking the necessary action to its realization. However we can only make the right decision by asking the right questions that will make us focus in the solutions and not the problems, challenges, obstacles and difficulties that we are facing in life. And that’s the best way which we can effect significant change in our life. So what are you going to do now? What questions do you need to ask now to shape your destiny?
A time has come for you and me to walk out of the prison
Washingtone’s Motivation

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