Friday 19 January 2018


A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity while an opportunist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
                                             Winston Churchill.
Most often we try so much in getting our desired result in life, but we end up failing. This does not mean we should give up, this means that we should keep on giving our best. This difficult time are just but temporary defeats and should not become our reality that we will never make it in life. We all fail in life on one way or another even the billionaires of the world also experienced such defeats, speak of warren buffet, Richard Branson, Bill gates Steve Jobs all did not become successful without facing challenges, but they did not give up they kept moving forwarding no matter what difficulty or challenge they faced.

The best thing to ever do is not to quit, for we only fail when we give up on ourselves. We have to learn to persevere the challenges of the world. To get to the pick of a mountain we have to go through the valley and once we get at the top it’s the person you become that matters for you will have not conquered the mountain but conquered yourself. In every difficult comes an opportunity that you will only discover when you do not give up on yourself. Fight your way to the top it is upon you to decide whether you are a pessimist or opportunist the choice is you to make so be diligent and decisive enough in making that decision.

No matter how good we are in what we do, we will always experience some pain in and we cannot run away from it. I love what Erick Thomas says “pain is temporally, it will last for a day a month or even an year but eventually it will subsidize and something different will take its course but if you quit it will last forever.” We will never realize our true potential when we give up. We have to learn to endure the pain of life and keep moving forward. It was Martin Luther king Jr that said “if you cannot run you can walk if you can walk you can crawl the most important thing is to never stop moving forward.” I draw lots of motivating from this words and it gives me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and for me to come to see that end of light I have to keep moving forward. I have to trust the process and not rush through it.

“I have often said that a man’s character is not judged when he has successfully won a battle, but when he is up against the wall and he decides to fight the pain for him to realize his strengths.” Great words from the WWE champion John Cina it is not what we get in life that really matters but who we become at the end of the day and that comes from fighting your way up. If Nelson Mandela had given up South Africa would not have fought the apartheid menace, if Mahatma Gandhi gave up the British would have never stopped oppressing the Indians. These are great leaders who stood for what they believed in and fought their way up. They did not rest until when it was done. It took the late Nelson Mandela 27 years for him to realize his dreams of a free state. He endured the pain of harsh terrific and horrific conditions in the prisons, yet still he did not give up. Who are we to give up just because we have experienced a few challenges and difficulty? Winston Churchill made it clear that “ we should never ever give up on ourselves.”

For us to get to our dreams; we must never give up, we must never lose hope, we must never give in to negative forces, we must believe in our self and we must learn to fight our way up the stairs. All we need to do is set our eyes to the star and focus to it until you get to it. Do not get your eyes off your goals. Work hard and work smart to get to the top always ensure that you settle for nothing else but the best. I would love to complete by motivating words from less brown, “aim for the moon for if you miss you will land yourself among the stars.” Keep moving towards your course and let you purpose guide you. No matter what happens along the way keep moving forward and fight the challenges and the difficulties that you shall encounter and you will discover the strengths in you.

Please don’t just read and keep it to yourself pass it round help a bother, a sister, a friend, a workmate overcome the challenges that they are facing. We can only make a significance impact when we share to our family, friends and relatives.

Maina Azimo says, “Success is what you achieve for yourself, purpose is why you achieve it and significance is how you use your success to help others.”


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