Tuesday 9 January 2018


So here we are in the second week of 2018 and you are still the same old you. Singing the same old songs and dancing to its rhythm yet you expect different result. Let me make it crystal clear that it will not happen. A week before the of 2017, we were so positive wishing our friends, family, workmates and relatives lovely inspiring messages of “happy and prosperous new year.” Then followed inspirational quotes and messages of how 2018 is going to be great. Setting goals and resolutions for the New Year was the norm to a majority of us. That’s wonderful and the best way of staring a new year.

Something has just happened while still in the second week, that literally amazes me. We are still singing the song of oh no its ‘Monday’, thanks to god its ‘Friday’ song and wishing that this month can come to an end first. We have even developed some funny jokes like “wakale washikane wakimbize hii mwezi.” Very funny! right? But what does this speak of us? Singing this kind of phrase is diminishing. We want to make a difference yet we don’t want to change. We want better results but we don’t want to work for them. We want better lives but still holding to the past. 2017 is gone, it’s in the past and you can’t do anything about it. All we can do is look back and learn from the mistakes we did and take necessary actions to change that mistake so us to shape the result of tomorrow. Nothing is going to change unless you decide to change you way of doing things. This will only happen when you make a shift in your mind. You have to develop new habits of proactivity. Stepping up and taking responsibility of our actions.

We must learn to surrender to change for effectiveness, but the first thing we are obligated to, is to change our mentality about everything. I want to agree with T.D.Jakes that “you can buy a new house, but if you put the same old you nothing will ever change. If you buy a car and put in the old you nothing will ever change.” This New Year won’t be different when you keep doing the same old things you did in 2017. You have to come up with a new song of proactivity; a song of diversity and versatility, a song of competence and diligence, a song of accountability and responsibility. Develop a new dancing style to your tune, a style of decisive decision, a style of commitment, a style of determination, a style of endurance, a style of persistency, a style of discipline and a style of constant and never ending self-improvement.

The only way to achieve this is by changing our mentality. Develop new habits that would make you a different person. Our success can only be limited by our own way of thinking. Look around you and see what is pulling you back and let it go. If it’s your cynical friends or workmates let them go.  Change your thoughts and change your thinking, change your thinking and change your decisions, change your decisions and change your actions, change your actions and change your results. It’s time to embrace change and make things happen to us. If we are to make a significant difference in our 2018 we have to change our song and the rhythm of dancing.

You cannot be doing the same thing the same way and expecting different result. It’s time to change and it’s not late before you realign yourself and head to the right direction; a direction towards  your goals, a direction towards your missions and visions, a directions towards you’re your purpose and let you values and principle guide you. Keep your eye directly to your focus and keep moving forward, “don’t stop along the way and start throwing stones at every dog that back you will never get to your destination as was said by Abraham Lincon is a wise saying that keeps us from distractors.

“Aim high straight into the moon for if you miss you will land among the stars.” Very inspiring words from Less Brown. You are a shining star; you are capable of making it to your dreams and accomplish all your endeavors, only if you work it out. Stop the game of complaining, criticizing, blaming and pointing fingers and get down to work. Do not fallow the masses go to the direction where people don’t expect and live a trail. Write a new song and dance to a new rhythm.

Please share this to your friends, workmates, family and relative. Help them stay true to their course and purpose.

Thank you for reading and passing it round.

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