Friday 29 July 2016


“Life is about growth, you can either chose to go to your comfort zone and get stuck, but if you want to grow you must be will to go forward to face your fears and through that experience comes growth.”
Abraham mass law.

Are you finding yourself in a tight spot where things are not happening as you planned, where you are not getting the result of your life, where you feel you have no control of anything , where you feel you no longer know who you are ,where you have completely lost your trust, where you feel you are not loved, where everything you touch and do  turns  to be turmoil and you feel your life has been consumed by shackles of doom and you think it’s the end of you being on this world .well today I tell you enough of that hullabaloo  for there is no greater limitation except of that you place on yourself. You are better than what you are going through right now, you are bigger than the negative circumstances that you are facing, so it is high time that you say enough is enough. It is time to kick off all your excuses, it is time to say bye to the self-doubt within you, it is time to stop worrying, it is time to start facing your fears, it is time that you begin to trust in your inner-self, it is high time that you begin to make the right decisions for decisions shape destiny. This is actually the time for you to start taking actions and leave your comfort zone and head to the directions of your dreams.
For you to manifest greatness you have to fall in love with the process of making the right decisions that will shape your tomorrow. You have to be so certain on what you want, ask yourself quality empowering questions that will impact change in you. What exactly do you want? What are you going to do to get what you want? For you to realize you true potential take time to answer those two questions. Be ready and willing to fall in love with the process. The process am talking about is taking actions that will generate results. You have to be committed in getting the result, for if you are not committed you are not going to make it. Fall in love with the process of enduring the pain that comes along with success always remember there is no gain without pain, be willing to persist the challenges, difficulties and obstacles that come on your way. Choose to be the best in what you do, in the actions that you take. Mohamed Ali once said that “you have to see yourself as the greatest for people to see that in you” always strive to be twice as good as you are. All that you need is at your disposal and that is self-determination.

“Champions are not made in the ring but in the gym where they go through tough and hard exercises”
The Great Mohamed Ali
If you really want to change the direction of your life, you have to fall in love with the process of working hard day in day out without looking behind and without giving up. For you to develop a skill you have to focus on to your craft and be in love with the process and do not settle for anything less than who you are its time to make a difference into your life and that comes with making the right decision;
1.      What do you really want?
2.      What actions do you need to take for you to realize your dreams?
3.      What will make you stay committed to your true course?
4.      What works for me that I need to constantly focus on?
5.      What are the limiting factors do I need to avoid?
For you to begin growing you must take the risk of making the right decisions and taking massive necessary actions towards it without fear and self-doubt. Always remember;
You are in control of your life
You are destined for greatness
You are full of vitality
You are extraordinary
You are resourceful
You are unstoppable
You are phenomenal
You are outrageous
You are vibrant
You are dynamic
You are ecstatic
You are spectacular
You are going to make it, just fall in love with the process.
                                                               Washingtone’s motivation

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