Wednesday 3 August 2016


 I was once kidnapped and kept in a dark room for a very long time that I could no longer recognize who i really was. I lost my purpose and direction in life; I became miserable and full of frustration. I definitely had lost truck, for my faith was gone, my believe was gone, my hope was gone, my enthusiasm was gone, my courage had walked away from me, I become hopeless, useless and worthless. I become resentful and so desperate that I felt like taking my life and just go and never to return back again into this world. Ladies and gentlemen I was kidnapped by fear. That is falls evidence appearing real; I had made it real in my mind. I had accepted defeat, I had believed that I could never mount to something better or greater, I felt that I was not loved but all that was a false illusion that I had created in my own imagination. My health deprived. I was sailing in a shackle of doom voyage that was destined for turmoil of depression, just because I let fear take control over my life. Fear is the most disintegrating and most destructive element of the human personality. It paralyzed who I was, it tormented my life. It had instilled worry and self-doubt in me.
One day ladies and gentlemen, one day I decided to change all that, I decided never again to live in desperation and humiliation of my past and I decided to be liberated by cutting of the little man inside of me. I chose to propel my life to a better future by just making the right decision that I was better that the norm. I told myself enough of this negativity and it was time to raise my standards and illuminate my life. It was actually the time for me to eliminate the limiting belief in me and I replaced all of them with positive beliefs that brought back my hope faith and confidence. I was back again on my foot with vitality and courage ready to be resourceful and capitalize on the greatness in me. I become more ambitious and religious for I play down my problems and prayed them up to God.
It was never easy to change, but I struggled my way through it until I become the person that has written this message to help you get yourself back into the truck once again, for we all can overcome our setbacks. If I was able to do it, you too can make it and even do much better. I definitely wish to share with you what I exactly did to turn my life around and believe you me if you put all this fundamentals into practice you will be amazed at how great you can be in realizing your true potential. I first begun by making deliberate determined decisive decision that I needed to be better than who I was and that I was never to settle for anything less than what I wanted in life (Deciding certainly what you want in life). Secondly I worked very hard day and night to find out my vision for men with no vision will always perish. This was achieved through asking me what exactly I really wanted in life. I wrote down all the things I wanted to attain and made sure they were SMART. I then settled for the top five in my list. This worked as my goals and the map that I would use to sail to my new destinations which was success land. My goals provided me with direction and fueled my passion potently. Having had may goals, I then broke them down into years then in two months and the into weeks and then into days and without hesitation I was on my way to success working day and night with commitment and determination. It has never been a walk through, along the way I have always found challenges and obstacle but I chose to persist and endure the pain for I had realized that with no pain there was no gain and that pain will last for a day, a week a month or even for years and eventually subsidize, but if I were to give up I would never actualize my dreams.
Thirdly I made it my own personal obligation to ever continue improving who I was physically and mentality. In my physical dimension I worked on my fitness, watched what I was eating and ensured that i only eat what lead to the development and growth of my health. I told myself that for me to achieve my goals I was to have a healthy body and that my health was my responsibility. To improve on my mental growth I begun feeding it with positive materials that would help me grow as a person for I understood that we only become of what we thought of ourselves and so did I make it my responsibility to feed my mind with positive materials. I began reading motivational books and inspirational books. I listened to audios of motivation. I took the initiative of changing my circles of friends since there is a proverb that says you become like the minds you surround yourself with. I knew I was to become more I had to do more to generate new friends who helped shape my feature. All this are practices that I did consistently without giving up to negative forces. I went to the extra mile of watching the kind of wards I used for I truly belief that wards determine our physiological state, that is they control our feelings and the actions we take in life.
Finally dear friends I found happiness in the power of prayer and things opened up when I stared praying in a different way by thanking God for everything that I had achieved in advance and believe you me things begun to change slowly. Giving back to the community is another way of appreciating what God has blessed you with. This brought enormous amounts of joy in me. It energized my actions. It’s something I love doing and it’s the reason behind this blog site that  I use it to post empowering materials that you can use to your better good so that you too could make right decisions to shape your future and at the same time take massive actions towards realization of your dreams. You will make it if you believe it and make it happen. There is greatness in you, take charge and take control of your feature and do not let fear KIDNAP YOU and bring you down its just but an illusion that can be change and you have the power to change.
“Not only aspire to make a living but also aspire to make a difference.”
Denzel Washington
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Washingtone’s Motivation

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