Thursday 9 January 2020


Be uncomfortable with being comfortable
If we believe something can be done, our minds will always find ways of doing so. If we don’t go after that thing we really want, then we will never have it. If we do not ask the question, the answer will always be no and if we do not step forward, if we do not keep pushing forward, then am sorry we will always remain in the same position or place. What does this mean to us?

It means, we have to come out of our comfort zone and do what is important and necessary for us to get the result that we want in life. It means, we must get uncomfortable with being comfortable at all times and accept no excuse but results. It means we must have self-control of who we are and in what we do. It means we must be responsible and accountable to our actions. It means we must be willing to suppress our short term pleasure and gratifications for the long term gains. It means we must make right deliberate decisive decisions, commit to our decisions, constantly acting massively and keep the discipline of always doing what is right. It means we must face our fears and constantly have the courage, faith, hope and confidence in overcoming the challenges, difficulties and obstacles that come along the way.
We must be ready and willing to do what is difficult and painful for us to get the desired result. Bearing in mind that if you do what is easy, life becomes difficult, but if you do what’s hard life becomes easy. It’s upon you to decide on which side you want to be. No pain no gain it’s as simple as that. Most of the time we are afraid of doing what is unbearable, what is challenging, what is difficult, not knowing that these are the things that get us the result we want. We often go or opt for easy and pleasurable things in life. Always remember easy come easy go.

For instance we associate fitness to pain and we end up not keeping fit. The end results are even more painful than what we expected. Let’s say you find pleasure in eating junk foods that taste yummy and sweet and we find ourselves in that position where we can’t say no to these unhealthy behaviors, just because we feel good about them. Every decision we make has its own consequence. Then you get attracted to (NCD) None Communicable Diseases like, obesity, diabetics, high blood pressure. You will end up spending so much money in treating it, more that you would have used to eat healthy and keeping fit. The end result here is so much painful than the pain of exercising and eating healthy.

We find it difficult to pick a book and read to improve ourselves and we find it easy to chat or watch Tv the whole day. I bet by now you understand what I’m talking about. The back lies on the decision you make. So make the choice! but before you do make that choice I want you to understand this. Master it if you must; there is a significant difference between interest and commitment. When we are interested into something we only do it when we feel convenient, but when we are committed into something we accept no reasons, we accept no excuses but result.

Are you feeling me? Get out of your comfort zone and make that tough decision that you have been holding back and commit to it by taking the right necessary action that will get you the results you want. Always believe in yourself and keep constant discipline of always doing what is right and important. Have the courage to face your challenges and obstacle because they will always come along the way and have faith hope and confidence that you will make it to your dream it’s never over until you win it.
It was great pleasing pleasure to share this message with you. Please share with friends and relatives or workmates.

Tuesday 22 May 2018



Through the industrial and technological revolution, our society has been modernized and major transformation is taking place thus affecting our life by creating a never ending appetite in self-gratification. We have been consumed by sedentary lifestyle thus making it difficult for a majority to exercise routinely. Come to think of it, what comes into your mind when you think of exercising or physical fitness? Majority associate it with too much pain hence creating fear in them that hinders them from making the right decision. We want to do what is easy and what is comfortable and avoid pain, in this case eating unhealthily without exercising. Be warned my friend, you could be digging an early grave with your teeth.

Having said that, I would like us to deeply understand the importance of physical fitness in our lives. Before I do that let’s ask us a simple question. What is physical fitness?  There are various definitions to it depending with the nature of the environment. In simple words it’s the ability of our body to perform efficiently in both work and leisure activities, to be healthy and resist diseases. It’s also related to having a well mental state.
Medical practitioners have various terminologies attached to the definition of physical fitness. They include body fat composition, cardio fitness, flexibility muscular strength and endurance or morphological, metabolic and bone integrity.

Those who are in the sport industry also define it differently. They refer physical fitness as individual strength and endurance, individual performance, team performance and life time. Their close friends in the bodybuilding sector have an interesting way of defining fitness. They say it’s a state in which we have an athletic physique, good strength and low body fat percentage good cardio endurance.
Our brothers and sisters from the military have their own special way of defining physical fitness, which I find very amusing and they refer PF as: agility, power, balance, reflex/reaction and speed.

With all this definitions, it will be unfortunate for you to say you do not understand what it means to be physically fit. Well that aside since it was not the business of today. Let’s go back to the real thing which was the importance of physical fitness. I am going to look at the benefits of physical fitness in the following category;

v Health benefits
v Aesthetic benefits

Health Benefits
Any attempt you make in physical activity will lead to improving your health and your overall quality of life. Regular physical fitness has enormous contribution in improving our respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Fitness activity increases the heart beat rate, hence tremendous distribution of blood to your body and mind and clear the blood vessels. Through this our lungs capacity increases and the body becomes more effective in distribution of oxygen around the body, resulting into a powerful sharper mind.

 Our body immune systems will always improve when we work our hearts through exercise that enhances the fight against potential attacks from viruses, illnesses and even diseases. Optimum weight is also attained through fitness activities. Our mood and mental health is also realized through exercise, a sense of great psyche streams in us, which makes us feel better, think better and even do better due to the increase of motivation. It gives us a sense of achievement and helps in self-actualization because it pushes us to do more.  
According to medical researchers, it has been confirmed that exercise activities reduces the risk of; heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression and anxiety, breast and colon cancer, osteoporosis. Those that already have cancer, physical exercise reduce the cancer cells from spreading in your body.
What does this mean to us?
It simply means that we should make effort in being active in our entire life in regardless of our body or BMI. We should make physical exercise our daily routine to reap all the benefits and save us money that we would spend in hospital treating the chronic diseases. Physical fitness also means healthy eating; that we should watch what we eat and cut of any food that does not contribute to our well-being. Our health plate should always have 50% of vegetables, 25% of proteins and 25% carbohydrates.

Aesthetic benefits
It’s evident that continuous physical exercise will contribute immensely to your body structure, which affects our physical look. This is what boosts our confidence in walking along the streets. It gives us the courage to handle our day to day activities. In men you will notice the bigger and bolder shoulders, the stomach ice cubes, the biceps, big chest and balanced muscle all over the body. It’s this imposing figure that makes them attractive to women. (The thrilling effect) Men will always have this manly look that radiates good health, strength and sex appeal.

Women are not left out of the equation either. You will observe that women who have engaged in constant fitness exercise have adorable waist, toned muscles and impressive proportional body shape, which makes them look magnificent in cloths. They become more graceful in their movement physical space. They also radiate good health, strength and confidence in body posture.

Our internal systems become balanced and our skin will look good due to what is going on the inside of us just because of exercising. Our physical look plays a major role in how we feel about ourselves. It boosts our self-esteem. It’s therefore imperative that we take physical fitness very seriously.

 I hope that this read will help you in developing a fitness exercise that will greatly improve the quality of your life. It’s simple but not easy. Always remember that you prevention is better than quire. Let’s not wait for crisis to occur so that we act. Let’s take preventive measures now and save us the pain of not keeping fit. It only works if you work it. Your number one goal after reading this post should be keeping fit and eating healthily.



Click Here for a Physical Activity Pyramid!
Please share the link to help others out there. It could be you brother, your sister, your father or mother, your friend, workmate or classmate and don’t forget to subscribe so as to get update on my latest post.

Monday 30 April 2018


                                ITS THE TIME

We have just completed the first month of 2018. It’s time to reflect back and see what you have accomplished in the first month that has already disappeared, it’s gone and for sure it will never come back. If you did accomplish what you had planned and set to do well and good, but if you didn’t this is the time to reflect and re-strategize. If you spend most of your time complaining how life has been difficult and how broke you were that you could not do anything, how you didn’t have the resources, complaining and coming up with all sorts of excuses it is the time to rethink. Complaining blaming and coming up with excuses will always materialize to nothing, but more pain. It’s not the resources that you lucked, but you lucked being resourceful.

If you want to change the results of this new month called February you have to change the way you have been doing things. I love the words of albert Einstein that say “the thinking that got you to where you are will not take you to your dreams” I believe in this great words it breathes life in me for I keep on improving who I am not just because I want to but because it’s the most important and necessary thing to do. If we are to change the result of our life we have to change our mentality. We must push our limits to do the hard things that we are not comfortable with. If you do not find happiness in waking up every morning you have to find out first who you are and what you stand for. You can only tap into it by going deep inside yourself and ask the why you have to wake up and what you really want to be remembered for. We see the world not as it is but as who we all the answers lies within you.

For us to be extraordinary, we must do the extraordinary things. If we see sit it in our mind we can achieve it, but first we have to train ourselves to do the things that are difficult. Less Brown says that if you do what is easy our life becomes difficult and if we do what’s difficult our life becomes easy. We must do the things that will make us significant. The decision is yours to make. My reason for sharing this with you is that, I have realized that our minds are organized in a way that stops us from doing what is difficult or what brings pain to us. Our minds are wired in such a way that it only works best when we are doing things that brings pleasure to us. This is a function of the mind that we need to be conscious about for it is the guiding principle of decision making.

Most often those pleasure things we do like watching TV, playing video games, instant gratifications materials, take away our power to manifest greatness. We need a shift and start working on the thing that matter most in life which are planning, reading positive uplifting materials to sharpen and broaden our scope of decision making, listening to motivational videos to inspire us in execution and finally is implanting on what you have planned.
A time has come to let go of all the negative things that has happened in the month of January and focus in restructuring your 2018. You are now left with 11 months and it’s time for you to reorganize yourself and get back on track. We can still make a difference with the remaining 11 moths. There is time for you to work on your 2018 goals. All you need to do is make the right decision, commit yourself to it by executing it, develop the habit of discipline in doing it whether you like or not and finally keep track of your time for “time slips though our hands like grains of sand, never to return back again and those who use their time wisely are rewarded with rich satisfying and fulfilling life.” Robin Sharma
The time you have been waiting for is here! You need to act before life starts acting on you again. It’s time to make a difference not only into your life, but to all those that you have the privilege to attend to. There will never be any other perfect time this is the time to make things happen to you. It’s your life that you are talking about and nobody is going to help you, but yourself.
Please don’t just read and keep it to yourself. Share to your other friends so that you also help them make a difference to their lives. Do not forget that a hand that helps is more blessed than the receiving one. Don’t let your blessing go to another person help a friend, a brother, a sister or even a relative and not forgetting your colleges in school and at work.
By sharing you will be transforming someone’s life.
Also subscribe to get alert on new post.


Are you too busy to have some time to laugh?
Do you take time off to have some fun?

In most cases we find ourselves too busy to even get some time to relax and have some fun in the name of working hard to attain our goals. Well today I want to share with you confidently that too much work without a rest or brake is harmful to your health and more so to your brain. I don’t mean you should not work hard or you should not get serious with what you do, but what keeps us healthy is important and should be treated with lots of seriousness.

All that happens around us and within us is controlled by a small magnificent organ that lies beneath the skull. This is our brain. It’s the most vital, crucial and most important part because of the function it plays in our body. This is the computer in us; it’s the engine in us. It’s clear what can happen to our car engines, when it’s overworked without cooling it, or what could happen to them if they had no coolers. The answer to that is it wears off. Even those who developed computers understood this and fit in them fans that act as coolers to prevent them from burning out. What of our brain that severs us? Do we need to cool it off and how do we do that? You need not to worry because in the next paragraph you will get all the answers you need.

The brain can work for us or against us depending on how we treat it. When it is overworked with busy serious schedules, it becomes toxic that means it cannot serve us well. Our bodies are amazingly and extremely resistant and can be pushed to extreme ends, but at some point our brain and body “will say no enough is enough.” The answer is as simple as these always have fun in all that you do. Laugh and detoxify it.

I know you are wondering but that’s the fact. In fact having fun will detoxify your brain and improve on the quality of thoughts which guides our decision making process and our health. The best antidote you can ever find for stress reliving is having fun. My point is that we cannot afford to be too serious with work or whatever it is that we do, because it is the only thing that can bring us down. I have been researching on how best we can make our brain work for us and according to my findings; it has shocked me that having fun plays a major role in nourishing it. It’s as simple as laughing out loudly.

In the Holy Scriptures, the book of proverbs 17:22 says that “a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” In simple words laughter is known to be the best medicine. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf the author of the gift in you; she affirms that laughter releases an instant flood of feel good chemicals that boost the immune system. A good laugh can make cortisol drop by 39% adrenaline by 79% and the feel good hormone endorphin increase by 29%. It can even make growth hormones skyrocket by 87%. Other research has proven that laughter boost our immune system by increasing levels of immunity and disease fighting cells.

If you want to get the both sides of your brain working together, then humor is your answer for it’s the key to releasing potential. Did you know that laughing 100 to 200 times in a day is equal to 10 times of rowing or jogging? In my research I discovered that laughing alone helps to increase the flexibility and is so much effective when it’s done regularly just the way we go for aerobics. Laughing also dissolves the toxic emotions in us because you can’t feel sad of mad when you laugh.

If you wish to reduce the damaging stress chemicals, all you need to do is have fun. If this stress chemicals are left to stay within us for too long they make us mentally and physically sick. Heart attacks can be prevented by laughing since when you are happy and enjoy yourself the body releases chemicals that improve the function of blood vessels and increase blood flow that protects heart attacks. You will also notice that when you are happy your energy levels increases so it’s advisable to always keep yourself in good moods.

Having said all that, it’s evident that we need fun to cool our system so that it works for us and not against us. It’s the easiest and cheapest means but most effective in detoxifying our mind and eliminates all the negative emotions that trigger in stress, anxiety and depression. Your guess is as good as mine we cannot afford not to have fun in the name of being serious or too busy with our work. Come on take some time off go out and play with your friends, relative siblings or even your family. Take time to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. This is something we need to do not once but all the time.
 Please share this massage to your friends and help others become well by improving their health. If you have any question to ask or clarification, please do not hesitate to write back to me at the comment box down. You can as well share and subscribe to get notification on new posts from me.
Thank you for taking time to read

Tuesday 6 February 2018


                               IT'S TIME

We have just completed the first month of 2018. It’s time to reflect back and see what you have accomplished in the first month that has already disappeared, it’s gone and for sure it will never come back. If you did accomplish what you had planned and set to do well and good, but if you didn’t this is the time to reflect and re-strategize. If you spend most of your time complaining how life has been difficult and how broke you were that you could not do anything, how you didn’t have the resources, complaining and coming up with all sorts of excuses it is the time to rethink. Complaining blaming and coming up with excuses will always materialize to nothing, but more pain. It’s not the resources that you lucked, but you lucked being resourceful.

If you want to change the results of this new month called February you have to change the way you have been doing things. I love the words of albert Einstein that say “the thinking that got you to where you are will not take you to your dreams” I believe in this great words it breathes life in me for I keep on improving who I am not just because I want to but because it’s the most important and necessary thing to do. If we are to change the result of our life we have to change our mentality. We must push our limits to do the hard things that we are not comfortable with. If you do not find happiness in waking up every morning you have to find out first who you are and what you stand for. You can only tap into it by going deep inside yourself and ask the why you have to wake up and what you really want to be remembered for. We see the world not as it is but as who we all the answers lies within you.

For us to be extraordinary, we must do the extraordinary things. If we see sit it in our mind we can achieve it, but first we have to train ourselves to do the things that are difficult. Less Brown says that if you do what is easy our life becomes difficult and if we do what’s difficult our life becomes easy. We must do the things that will make us significant. The decision is yours to make. My reason for sharing this with you is that, I have realized that our minds are organized in a way that stops us from doing what is difficult or what brings pain to us. Our minds are wired in such a way that it only works best when we are doing things that brings pleasure to us. This is a function of the mind that we need to be conscious about for it is the guiding principle of decision making.

Most often those pleasure things we do like watching TV, playing video games, instant gratifications materials, take away our power to manifest greatness. We need a shift and start working on the thing that matter most in life which are planning, reading positive uplifting materials to sharpen and broaden our scope of decision making, listening to motivational videos to inspire us in execution and finally is implanting on what you have planned.
A time has come to let go of all the negative things that has happened in the month of January and focus in restructuring your 2018. You are now left with 11 months and it’s time for you to reorganize yourself and get back on track. We can still make a difference with the remaining 11 moths. There is time for you to work on your 2018 goals. All you need to do is make the right decision, commit yourself to it by executing it, develop the habit of discipline in doing it whether you like or not and finally keep track of your time for “time slips though our hands like grains of sand, never to return back again and those who use their time wisely are rewarded with rich satisfying and fulfilling life.” Robin Sharma
The time you have been waiting for is here! You need to act before life starts acting on you again. It’s time to make a difference not only into your life, but to all those that you have the privilege to attend to. There will never be any other perfect time this is the time to make things happen to you. It’s your life that you are talking about and nobody is going to help you, but yourself.
Please don’t just read and keep it to yourself. Share to your other friends so that you also help them make a difference to their lives. Do not forget that a hand that helps is more blessed than the receiving one. Don’t let your blessing go to another person help a friend, a brother, a sister or even a relative and not forgetting your colleges in school and at work.
By sharing you will be transforming someone’s life.
Also subscribe to get alert on new post.

Friday 19 January 2018


A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity while an opportunist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
                                             Winston Churchill.
Most often we try so much in getting our desired result in life, but we end up failing. This does not mean we should give up, this means that we should keep on giving our best. This difficult time are just but temporary defeats and should not become our reality that we will never make it in life. We all fail in life on one way or another even the billionaires of the world also experienced such defeats, speak of warren buffet, Richard Branson, Bill gates Steve Jobs all did not become successful without facing challenges, but they did not give up they kept moving forwarding no matter what difficulty or challenge they faced.

The best thing to ever do is not to quit, for we only fail when we give up on ourselves. We have to learn to persevere the challenges of the world. To get to the pick of a mountain we have to go through the valley and once we get at the top it’s the person you become that matters for you will have not conquered the mountain but conquered yourself. In every difficult comes an opportunity that you will only discover when you do not give up on yourself. Fight your way to the top it is upon you to decide whether you are a pessimist or opportunist the choice is you to make so be diligent and decisive enough in making that decision.

No matter how good we are in what we do, we will always experience some pain in and we cannot run away from it. I love what Erick Thomas says “pain is temporally, it will last for a day a month or even an year but eventually it will subsidize and something different will take its course but if you quit it will last forever.” We will never realize our true potential when we give up. We have to learn to endure the pain of life and keep moving forward. It was Martin Luther king Jr that said “if you cannot run you can walk if you can walk you can crawl the most important thing is to never stop moving forward.” I draw lots of motivating from this words and it gives me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and for me to come to see that end of light I have to keep moving forward. I have to trust the process and not rush through it.

“I have often said that a man’s character is not judged when he has successfully won a battle, but when he is up against the wall and he decides to fight the pain for him to realize his strengths.” Great words from the WWE champion John Cina it is not what we get in life that really matters but who we become at the end of the day and that comes from fighting your way up. If Nelson Mandela had given up South Africa would not have fought the apartheid menace, if Mahatma Gandhi gave up the British would have never stopped oppressing the Indians. These are great leaders who stood for what they believed in and fought their way up. They did not rest until when it was done. It took the late Nelson Mandela 27 years for him to realize his dreams of a free state. He endured the pain of harsh terrific and horrific conditions in the prisons, yet still he did not give up. Who are we to give up just because we have experienced a few challenges and difficulty? Winston Churchill made it clear that “ we should never ever give up on ourselves.”

For us to get to our dreams; we must never give up, we must never lose hope, we must never give in to negative forces, we must believe in our self and we must learn to fight our way up the stairs. All we need to do is set our eyes to the star and focus to it until you get to it. Do not get your eyes off your goals. Work hard and work smart to get to the top always ensure that you settle for nothing else but the best. I would love to complete by motivating words from less brown, “aim for the moon for if you miss you will land yourself among the stars.” Keep moving towards your course and let you purpose guide you. No matter what happens along the way keep moving forward and fight the challenges and the difficulties that you shall encounter and you will discover the strengths in you.

Please don’t just read and keep it to yourself pass it round help a bother, a sister, a friend, a workmate overcome the challenges that they are facing. We can only make a significance impact when we share to our family, friends and relatives.

Maina Azimo says, “Success is what you achieve for yourself, purpose is why you achieve it and significance is how you use your success to help others.”


Tuesday 9 January 2018


So here we are in the second week of 2018 and you are still the same old you. Singing the same old songs and dancing to its rhythm yet you expect different result. Let me make it crystal clear that it will not happen. A week before the of 2017, we were so positive wishing our friends, family, workmates and relatives lovely inspiring messages of “happy and prosperous new year.” Then followed inspirational quotes and messages of how 2018 is going to be great. Setting goals and resolutions for the New Year was the norm to a majority of us. That’s wonderful and the best way of staring a new year.

Something has just happened while still in the second week, that literally amazes me. We are still singing the song of oh no its ‘Monday’, thanks to god its ‘Friday’ song and wishing that this month can come to an end first. We have even developed some funny jokes like “wakale washikane wakimbize hii mwezi.” Very funny! right? But what does this speak of us? Singing this kind of phrase is diminishing. We want to make a difference yet we don’t want to change. We want better results but we don’t want to work for them. We want better lives but still holding to the past. 2017 is gone, it’s in the past and you can’t do anything about it. All we can do is look back and learn from the mistakes we did and take necessary actions to change that mistake so us to shape the result of tomorrow. Nothing is going to change unless you decide to change you way of doing things. This will only happen when you make a shift in your mind. You have to develop new habits of proactivity. Stepping up and taking responsibility of our actions.

We must learn to surrender to change for effectiveness, but the first thing we are obligated to, is to change our mentality about everything. I want to agree with T.D.Jakes that “you can buy a new house, but if you put the same old you nothing will ever change. If you buy a car and put in the old you nothing will ever change.” This New Year won’t be different when you keep doing the same old things you did in 2017. You have to come up with a new song of proactivity; a song of diversity and versatility, a song of competence and diligence, a song of accountability and responsibility. Develop a new dancing style to your tune, a style of decisive decision, a style of commitment, a style of determination, a style of endurance, a style of persistency, a style of discipline and a style of constant and never ending self-improvement.

The only way to achieve this is by changing our mentality. Develop new habits that would make you a different person. Our success can only be limited by our own way of thinking. Look around you and see what is pulling you back and let it go. If it’s your cynical friends or workmates let them go.  Change your thoughts and change your thinking, change your thinking and change your decisions, change your decisions and change your actions, change your actions and change your results. It’s time to embrace change and make things happen to us. If we are to make a significant difference in our 2018 we have to change our song and the rhythm of dancing.

You cannot be doing the same thing the same way and expecting different result. It’s time to change and it’s not late before you realign yourself and head to the right direction; a direction towards  your goals, a direction towards your missions and visions, a directions towards you’re your purpose and let you values and principle guide you. Keep your eye directly to your focus and keep moving forward, “don’t stop along the way and start throwing stones at every dog that back you will never get to your destination as was said by Abraham Lincon is a wise saying that keeps us from distractors.

“Aim high straight into the moon for if you miss you will land among the stars.” Very inspiring words from Less Brown. You are a shining star; you are capable of making it to your dreams and accomplish all your endeavors, only if you work it out. Stop the game of complaining, criticizing, blaming and pointing fingers and get down to work. Do not fallow the masses go to the direction where people don’t expect and live a trail. Write a new song and dance to a new rhythm.

Please share this to your friends, workmates, family and relative. Help them stay true to their course and purpose.

Thank you for reading and passing it round.

Thursday 28 December 2017



Samuel Mwangi is timber yard owner whose yard is stationed next to my house and every day when I go out for my daily activities, I have to pass by his store. For the last one month I have observed something that caught up with my attention and I was keen to know more about it. Every single day each morning, when Samuel opens his yard he begins the day by sharpening his saw and he has being doing it with lots of focus, vitality determination and concentration.

 One morning I decided to stand and watch him do his daily routine and I was amaze, for he was so passionate about it. I really wondered and asked myself “does he really have to do that every  single day?” to me it seemed so tiring and boring doing the same thing over and over yet he could just sharpen it once in a week save him the frustration of  sweating every morning before he could begin his work of cutting timber.

On this particular day I decided to ask him what was behind all that sharpening. “Good morning Samuel,” cheerfully I greeted him. “Good morning to you Washingtone, how are you this morning?” Joyfully he responded back. “I’m doing better than good, I thank God for it.” I answered back at him. “And so am I” he affirmed with a happy smile. Then I posed a question to him. “Samuel I see you doing this serious sharpening every single morning, what’s the key reason behind it? And must you be doing it every day morning?”  “This saw, while pointing at it, does 85% of the work in this yard. It’s main function being cutting, it has to be sharp for me to perform my work efficiently and effectively.

When its blunt, I will end up wasting lots of time, struggling and straining to cut timber, I will also use lots of energy and force during my work and that will reduce my performance rate, hence will attend to less customer and that means less pay for me, so to save me all this I prefer setting the saw ready every morning so as to ease myself from the hard labor.” He completed his statement firmly. “Well I guess I understand you now,” cutting me short he retaliated, “also bear in mind that this is just how our minds work. It works best and delivers best when you keep sharpening it. Failure to which, you will end up not realizing your life desire and purpose.”
“Wow!”  I exclaimed.  “I didn’t see that coming, I take it as my life lesson for the day I will dig more into it.” Samuel then left me with a simple statement as I left in bewilderment. “As you cultivate your mind to work for you it’s the same way I do with my saw to work for me.” Thank you very much for the lesson.” I shouted back.  “It only works when you work it.” He concluded.

Come to think of it all that we are in the present moment are a function of our mind, all that we have achieved in life emanates from our mind. The actions we take are based on the decisions we make and the results we get in life projects back to decision making. Decisions and choices are made from our thoughts which only take place in our mind. Our brain is a battled field of activities most of them are on choices. If we only learn how to cultivate it well, it will best work to our interest. It is all about sharpening the mind and this is an ongoing process. Constant and never ending self-development comes from nourishing the mind with positive rich motivating and inspiring materials.

Reading positive uplifting materials, that challenge, inspire and motivate you to take actions in life.  These Materials add to our references to which we make decision on. I have been reflecting on the words of Albert Einstein. “The thinking that got you to where you are right now will not take you to your dreams.” In trying to understand the deeper meaning, I have found out that for effectiveness in life we have to know what to do, how to do and the why we are doing it.

We cannot act on something that you know nothing about. For instance if you are in the business or entrepreneur world and you find yourself stuck where the business is not growing or advancing or not moving to the next level. The problem is not the business; the problem is with you as the owner, for you have not taken enough measures to learn more on how to improve your business. The business can never grow beyond what you know. That’s why I keep telling my friends that “we can never see the world beyond that which we are.”

All that we are right now and all that we have achieved in life is basically a true reflection of what our mind holds. To affect change in our life we have to begin by getting to know more about us. You have to be aware of who you are and what you want and why you want it. To realize our potential, our capabilities, our skills and abilities we have to keep on working on us. To take our business to the next level we have to feed our mind with new materials every single day so as to improve and grow. The various ways of achieving this are; you could decide to get into a library and get all business oriented books and read and then try to implement what you have learned. The other way could be going back to school and learn more on business management and administration or find business oriented forums and take part in them. It is as simple as that. Learn more and make more.

If you are struggling due to luck of financial stability, you can only improve by learning more. By learning I mean feeding your mind with knowledge from financial intelligence materials. Please note that am not writing this out of the blues, but through the experience I have gone through and I’m still struggling to keep up to it. I have become who I am right now through the process of learning more. I’m not saying it’s an easy park that you just walk into, you have to decide and act and keep your commitments to self-development. Commitment being not accepting any excuse but result. It come s with effort, determination and persistence not forgetting constancy. Constant and never ending self-improvement.

2018 is here and nothing will change if you keep on doing things the same way you have been doing. You have to change your ways. You must start the process of improving yourself. You must change the circle of you friends. If you friends don’t help you grow then you have to say bye to them. Remember if you hung out with dogs you get fleas. Our life depends on our decisions and decisions emanate from our mind. So to make better decision which project to actions, we have to keep up the work of sharpening the saw. No one in this world is born stupid or poor we only make poor choices that slowly and systematically assemble us into that state of poorness or stupidity. This is a situation we can change by sharpening the saw. So what are you waiting for? The choice is yours to make. If you want 2018 to work for you, then you have to decide and act on self-development.

The only way to make a significant impact in life is to act on what you have learned here. Practice it until it becomes part of you and also share it to you friends, family and friends. If you have any concern please feel free to drop me a comment or if there is something you wish me to address also write back to me I will be glad to share with you. Thank you for taking time to read. May God bless your endeavors, let them come to fulfillment.  
HAPPY 2018